Action Drafts

Introductory WordsKosova StatementsDiscussion Lines,  Position Papers


The following action drafts were proposed by the participants of the Vienna Peace Summit after they evaluated their perspective of the present situation in their position papers. It is the intention that the proposed actions and projects be implemented in the context of the work of the Foundation for the International Peace University.


Work Groups 1a: The roles of familes and education systems in a changing europe

Work Groups 1b: Perspectives of work: Creating new forms of employment and recreation in Europe

Work Groups 2a: A European Identity? Cultural diversity, ethnic conflict, and inter-religious dialouge: New rituals for dealing with violence.

Work Groups 2b: A European Consciousness? Social commitment, human rights, and responsibilities: The role of civil societies in Europe

Work Group 3: Responsibilities of traditional and new media, sensitizig the public for the process of European unification: Potentials and limitations communication and information

Work Groups 4a: Which Europe emerges: politically, geographically, economically, militarily?

Work Group 4b: Europe's role in the globalization process: New networks of co-operation, integration, confrontation

